What I’m Loving, Edition June 2018

Okay, okay. I do realize that it’s actually July around here but I can’t seem to get myself together this summer. We were out of town for much of June and I can’t get back into the groove just yet. Apparently I need a daily schedule to help me stay focused, and let’s face it – schedules just don’t happen in the summer.

With that being said, here are my favorite things from June.

  1. Joe Malone Peony and Blush Suede fragrance: That’s a mouthful, right? But I recently discovered this fragrance and I love it! It’s a floral scent but it isn’t too heavy so I feel good about wearing it even in the summer. Check out some of their other scents too!
  2. These running socks: I’m very hard on my running socks; pretty much all of them have holes. I decided it was time to invest in some new running socks but I seriously hate paying so much money for one pair. I have to say that even though these are a little pricy, they do not disappoint. They have soft padding on the balls and heels and are soft and durable. I will definitely be buying more of them.
  3. That Sounds Fun podcast with Annie F. Downs: Ok, first of all, I love Annie Downs. She’s hilarious and crazy but also writes amazing books and Bible studies. I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to find her podcast because it’s so good! And this episode with John Crist is amazing. John Crist totally cracks me up but he also gets really serious. I think you’ll enjoy it as much as I did!

That’s all I have for this month’s favorite things. Hopefully I will be able to make myself sit down and actually do some writing over the next week or so…

Happy Summer!