What I’m Loving, Edition July 2018

I’m so sad that I have to go back to school this week. I’m. Not. Ready.

So while I’m over here crying and mourning the loss of my summer vacation, you can check out some things I’m loving this month.

  1. The Skimm: Ok, so here’s the deal. I used to religiously watch the news. Religiously. But then I noticed that everything you see, no matter which news organization you tune into, is skewed one way or another. It’s annoying. So I quit watching. Then I found The Skimm. It’s a daily email you receive right to your inbox with the day’s news highlights. It literally takes 2 minutes to read and then I feel like I’m caught up with everything I need to know. Check it out! I think you’ll love it too!
  2. Comedians in Cars Getting  Coffee: Admittedly, we don’t watch a lot of TV at our house. There just isn’t really anything that grabs our attention, plus we don’t have time to sit and watch hours of shows. Usually if I sit down and it’s past 8:00 pm, I fall asleep, so maybe that’s the reason we don’t watch a lot of TV. Anyway, we have recently discovered a show on Netflix “hosted” by Jerry Seinfeld where he picks up different comedians, drives around town, and they talk about life. It isn’t as funny as I thought it would be but since I love to watch people and I enjoy seeing how other people live and how they think, I really like the show. (My husband wasn’t super thrilled about it because it wasn’t “hilarious” like he expected so take that into consideration before you watch.) I’ve only seen a few episodes so far but I really loved the ones with Jimmy Fallon, Sara Jessica Parker, and Chris Rock. Enjoy!
  3. A Circle of Quiet: I recently read this book and absolutely loved it! It’s written by Madeleine L’Engle (the author of A Wrinkle in Time, which I’ve never read…). Anyway, this collection, published in the 70’s, still feels relevant today. It’s a memoir, which is my favorite genre, but what I loved most about the book was the writing style. It’s interesting and eclectic and I just couldn’t put it down. To be fair, it’s not your typical memoir – the writing is amazing but the pace is slow – so don’t send me nasty emails if you read it and hate it. I’m just saying that I liked it a lot.

That’s it for July! I hope all of you have enjoyed your summer. Ours is unfortunately coming to a close this week. I’m going to miss those lazy days of staying in our pjs for hours and our time at the pool each week but “back to school” time is here…

Happy August!