What I’m Loving, Edition January 2019

Hey, friends! January has been a busy and exciting month around our house. We received some encouraging news on our adoption, which I’ll post about at a later date. Jonah and Brienne have been competing in swim meets while Vivienne has been cheering for basketball games at our church and taking piano lessons. I really do love watching my kids find their thing, but it can also be a little exhausting with all the running around. I feel like I’m way behind on housework and yet here I am, sitting at my computer. Ha! But I’ve got some great things to share with you this month! Here are the things I’m loving:

  1. This dry shampoo: I’m equal parts embarrassed and proud of the fact that I can now go 3 days before washing my hair thanks to the wonder that is dry shampoo. I’ve tried lots of different kinds and honestly I like them all. But this one has a brown tint so it’s my current favorite.
  2. Everybody Always: this book right here. You need to read it. Bob Goff has done it again. If you haven’t read his first book, you should definitely grab a copy of it, too!
  3. This podcast: I listen to a lot of podcasts throughout the week and this one from Focus on the Family was really great. If you have a teen, you should listen. Lots of good advice!

That’s it for the month of January!