What I’m Loving, Edition April 2019

Hey, friends! It’s the end of April already – how has that happened? I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter holiday. Ours was relaxed and that’s just the way I like it.

Here are a few things I’ve been loving this month!

  1. The Highwaymen: This movie on Netflix about Bonnie and Clyde was fascinating to me. Peter and I watched it a couple weeks ago and I learned so much about the infamous outlaws, the efforts made to take them down, and their crazed mob-like fans. Of course, I’ve heard about Bonnie and Clyde my whole life, having grown up very close to where they were killed, but I’ve never done any research to learn more about them. This movie did it for me!
  2. John Crist: Peter and I went to see him not too long ago at the Ryman in Nashville, and he was so funny! I know everybody has seen his videos but he is the best in person! If you get a chance to see him, go!
  3. This interview: I love the That Sounds Fun podcast with Annie F Downs. She recently interviewed Lisa Terkeurst and it was one of my favorites. Lisa talks through the past few years which have been exceedingly difficult for her, and she offers wisdom and encouragement. Check it out!

That’s it for April! Happy Spring!