What is My Life?

Sitting on the bathroom floor soaked in water while bathing my toddler, I couldn’t help but laugh. I was simultaneously dodging splashes while praying safety over my teenage daughter who was out with friends. She had just recently gotten her driver’s license and I hadn’t quite adjusted to this reality.

Sixteen years ago when our first child was born, I could never have imagined that my life would look like it does. While our oldest daughter recently ordered her senior ring and received her senior class schedule, we have a son in third grade who recently got braces (which he is NOT happy about, by the way), another daughter in 2nd grade who had been the “baby” of the family until a few months ago, and now our actual “baby,” our almost 2-year old daughter adopted from India.

God must have really had a sense of humor as he added these blessings to our family.

God’s sense of humor

Most days are great, if not mundane. I get kids ready for school, sit in carpool, take kids to piano and sports practices, cook dinner, and attempt to spend some quality time as a family. But sometimes I’m struck anew with this family of mine that God has created.

What is this life I’m living? I’m 44 years old with a high school junior and a toddler! And two kids in between! It definitely isn’t what I envisioned all those years ago. And honestly, many friends have made less-than-encouraging comments.

“Y’all are crazy!”

“I could never do that!”

“Thank goodness I don’t have a toddler now! Our kids are almost grown!”

And although I do sometimes feel crazy and on really hard days it may have crossed my mind that maybe I shouldn’t be doing this, I know that the Lord knit our family together exactly as He planned all those years ago when Peter and I said, “I do.”

Proverbs 16:4a says that “The Lord works out everything to its proper end…”  His Word assures me that He designed our family in the way He had arranged in advance. I love knowing that we are being carried in His strong hands, especially on those difficult days of barely controlled chaos.

You can rest assured, too, my friend, that God holds you in the palm of His hand. He loves you and His plans are good.

For more encouragement, check out my devotional for moms like you!

(Credit for header photo: Three Chicks Pics)