Two Weeks Down

Well, it’s officially been two weeks since I started my 40 day sugar fast. I’ve posted on social media that it hasn’t been terrible so far but I have definitely had some cravings and temptations. My body does feel better, though, without all the added sugar intake.

I’m trying to listen and lean into the Lord but I’ve realized something over the past couple days. I’ve substituted one idol (sugar) for another (my phone).

My phone has always been a distraction for me, as it has for many of you, but it’s gotten worse since giving up sugar. While reading The 40-Day Sugar Fast, I’ve come to understand that it’s totally normal (not good, just normal) for us to give up one idol and pick up another.

When I’m “bored” and needing a distraction from my cravings, I pick up my phone and scroll through social media instead of running to Jesus. I see the same posts over and over, nothing new, yet I return again and again. Then I find myself irritated with my children when they interrupt my “important” scrolling. I’m frustrated with myself.

Why is it so hard to just be present with my kids?

With God?

With myself?

This week I will put my phone down and lift my eyes up so I can see those around me.

Other things have come to the surface over the past two weeks as well.

  • I treat my quiet time like a checklist. I complete my daily Bible reading quickly before Jillienne wakes up and then I set it aside, forgotten for the remainder of the day. I very rarely have time to sit in God’s presence, praying and listening, because I’m very rarely alone from 5:00 am until bedtime. I’m not sure how to change this issue but something’s gotta give around here.
  • I need to do better about asking the Lord to tell me His plan for me. I used to be so good at this but lately it’s been more difficult. And that goes back to problem #1 above.
  • I have asked God what walls He wants to break down. His answers surprised me. Pride and anger appear to be the main things He wants to deal with in me right now. So I’m praying more when I feel those ugly things rear their heads.

As I reflect on what God is teaching me, I wonder what He is teaching you. Are there walls He wants you to break down? I’d love to hear your thoughts.