This Contentment that Eludes Me

Summer is in full swing and I couldn’t be happier. We put in a pool at our home last November and we are finally able to enjoy it. In fact, just this afternoon, Jillienne was taking a nap so I headed out to the pool with my book in order to get a little sun. An hour later, Peter found me laying on a float, reading my kindle, not a care in the world.

You know – basically I was living my best life. It was glorious.

Jesus has been teaching me a lot about contentment lately. Yes, that’s right. I said contentment.

I don’t really love that word. Or maybe it’s that I don’t like what it conveys when you aren’t content.

The opposite of contentment.





It’s easy to get caught in the comparison trap, and it happens a lot for me during the summer months.

I find myself scrolling through social media, watching as my friends take glorious vacations across the globe.

It happens when I see their glowing tans, thin bodies, gorgeous makeup, and perfect hair. It happens when I see their well-behaved children participating in fun activities with excitement on their faces.

But let’s face it. We all know these stories aren’t real. There are filters for those tans and makeup. There were twenty-five photos taken in order to find that perfect one. Children have tantrums and get irritable.

No one has the perfect life.

So this year, the Lord has been saying some things to me about contentment. You see, I don’t want to wish my life away waiting for the good days.

Because these are the good days.

These right here.

These days with the messy pb&j fingerprints on the windows.

These days with the sibling rivalry.

These days with the rush of summer activities.

These days of late night movies and spilled popcorn.

These days splashing in the pool.

These are the good days.

And I don’t want to miss them.

I recently heard LaTasha Morrison repeat a quote that her father used to say to her:

“You do what you have to do so that you can be who you need to be.”

I love this.

I think about my role as a mom and realize I must choose contentment. If I want my children to look back on their lives with fond memories, I must rid myself of the comparison trap and choose joy.

But how do I find this evasive joy? This contentment that eludes me?

By seeing myself as God sees me, His masterpiece.

And you are His masterpiece too.

So this summer, make a commitment to yourself to “do what you have to do so that you can be who you need to be.”

Eliminate comparison and allow contentment to take its place in your life and family.