What Sounds Fun to You?

What Sounds Fun to You?

I love to listen to Annie F Downs’ podcast, That Sounds Fun. It’s probably my favorite podcast right now. She interviews interesting guests and asks great questions. She recently released a new book, That Sounds Fun, where she talks about the importance of finding a hobby and having fun. (Admittedly, I haven’t yet read this book, but it’s on my list.)

One thing Annie asks at the end of every podcast is, “What sounds fun to you?” I’ve heard her say the thing that sounds fun to you can often be tied back to your childhood. So I’m curious – What Sounds Fun to You Right Now?

I’ll go first – going to the beach sounds fun to me. Now, listen, going on vacation with small children is not relaxing. I know that. In my head, I always think it’s going to be fun and sweet and relaxing yet it never is. But when I think of beach vacations, I’m always taken back to our family vacations in Grand Isle, a sparse beach in Louisiana.

Every year of my childhood (and some in my adult years), our extended family would head to South Louisiana where twenty or so of us would pile into a couple camps and enjoy a week filled with sun, beach, fishing, and amazing seafood. I’ve idealized those vacations in my head yet I’m sure it wasn’t so amazing for our parents who wrangled all the children, cooked all the meals, and ensured everyone was safe and entertained.

But still, when you ask what sounds fun to me, where I would go on vacation if I could, the answer is always the beach.

Now it’s your turn – tell me something that sounds fun right now.

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