What I’m Loving, Edition March 2022

Happy March! I hope everyone is enjoying some spring-like weather. I think our weather in Tennessee has ADHD because it can’t decide if it’s supposed to be warm or cold. Our spring break ended with 4 inches of snow – not exactly the weather event I had in mind.

Anyway, here are some things I’ve been loving lately. And as always, I’d love to hear some of your favorite things too!

  1. This Dadville podcast episode: If you have children, perhaps you’ve been sucked into the world of Dude Perfect – five guys from Texas who are famous for trick shots and ridiculousness. We love Dude Perfect at our house so this podcast episode was right up my alley. Tyler Toney is sort of the brains behind the group and I enjoyed hearing some of his stories and how his faith plays a part in his life.
  2. This Russell Moore podcast episode: If you are iffy on the Enneagram and can’t really figure out if it’s something we, as Christians, should be delving into, I would encourage you to listen to this interview with Ian Cron. It’s a really great summary of how the Enneagram came to be and how we can use it. (For the record, I’m a fan of the Enneagram and have found it to be very helpful in understanding my friends and family.)
  3. The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: I read this book at the beginning of 2022 and it has changed the way I think about my life. One thing the author, John Mark Comer, said that really stood out to me was this: “We are distracting ourselves into spiritual oblivion.” Whoa. I loved the way he talked about our apprenticeship to Jesus and the importance of rest and Sabbath. I’m still thinking through how to implement more of this into my life.
  4. These highlighters: Ok, y’all – I’m a sucker for a good highlighter and these fit the bill. I won these at a favorite things party earlier this year and I love using them in my planner and in my journal. The colors are soft and calming and they glide smoothly on all types of paper. If you’re wanting some new highlighters, try these!

That’s it for March! Happy Spring!

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