I Just Wanna Look Like You

“I wish you were young so I could see what your face looked like.” Aaah. Kids. They say exactly what’s on their little minds. Sometimes it’s hilarious. And other times? Well, it’s not. Our little Vivienne has always been an imitator. From the time she was a tiny toddler, she wanted to dress like me and act like me, sit like me and walk like me. She also loves to…

Free to be Authentic

Did you know that people-pleasing is actually a sin? Galatians 1:10 (NASB) says this: “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” Ouch. I’ve been a people-pleaser my whole life. As a first-born, I’ve always wanted to do the right things…

“Holy in the Moment” (A book review)

Do you consider yourself to be holy? If you are a Christian, Scripture tells us that you are holy. “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple.” (1 Cor 3:16-17) But do you actually consider yourself to be holy? I have written a…

What I’m Loving, Edition February 2018

Alright, friends. This Favorite Things list is going to be all about my favorite podcasts this month. If you’re looking for something interesting to listen to, I’ve got some great things for you! This podcast: I have become a little obsessed with the Enneagram. Anybody else? I’m not sure why, because I can’t figure out exactly where I fall on this thing. I think I’m a 9 – at least…

Don’t Worry About the Manure

Trepidatiously, I entered the foyer of Calvary Chapel. I had traveled to Ft. Lauderdale, FL, alone, to participate in a weekend getaway with Beth Moore, beloved Bible teacher and ministry leader. This was an event I had been looking forward to for over a year now. You see, every other year, Beth Moore invites women to memorize Scripture with her. Each woman picks two verses a month adding up to…

Do The Opposite

If you are anything like I am, you loved the television show Parenthood. I fell in love with the characters and the drama, the hilarity and love that existed among the extended family. So when I saw that Dax Shepherd (aka Crosby Braverman) was going to be on one of my favorite podcasts, I had to give it a listen. In typical Dax (or Crosby because let’s face it –…

My Messy Heart

Yesterday, I sat watching our seven-year old cutting out hearts. He’s usually wild and crazy, jumping and running from one thing to the next, so whenever I can get him to actually sit and do something with his hands, it’s a win for me. As he carefully used his scissors, he looked up at me with his serious little face. “Mom, if you cut it wrong, your heart will be…

“Forgive Her”

I grew up in a small town, and much like the theme song to that old TV show “Cheers,” it was a place “where everybody knows your name.” It was actually a great place to grow up, and I had a few close friends whom I told everything to. As we all got older and began getting married and starting families, we knew we could count on each other to stick…

What I’m Loving, Edition January 2018

Y’all. How is it already the end of January?? I guess what they say is true – when you’re a kid, time passes slowly, but when you’re an adult, it flies by. We’ve had a snowy month and it has been so much fun! Well, minus the fact that the little kids and I all had the flu during out winter snowstorm. Here are a couple pictures from our snow…

From Generation to Generation

I’ve recently been teaching Exodus and Leviticus to my high school girls at church. We’ve talked ad nauseum about the Israelites’ plight and how they continued to doubt God, turning away from His laws and provisions. We’ve discussed how ridiculous the people seemed – I mean, God’s actual presence was leading them day and night. They could see His literal presence with their very own eyes. We don’t have that luxury…