I Want to Be a Princess

I don’t know about all of you, but I am obsessed with all things royal. Maybe it started when I was a little girl, watching Cinderella and dreaming of a handsome prince who would ride in on his white horse and sweep me off my feet, carrying me away to live happily ever after in his beautiful palace. As I grew up, I began to realize that my odds of finding…

When You Feel UnSeen

Do you ever feel unseen? Like nobody really truly sees you? So often I am guilty of going through the motions of polite conversation. “Hi, how are you?” “I’m fine. How are you?” “Doing well. See you later.” It’s not that I want to be rude. It’s just that life is busy and we often don’t stop and take the time to truly listen to how others are doing. I’m…

“I Admire You”

It had been a long day of work. As I got in my car after school, I sat for a few minutes, weary and dreading what awaited me at home. Not because my kids had been terrible or anything bad had happened. But because I wasn’t sure I would have the energy to make it through the next several hours. The week had been extremely busy, filled with swim practices,…

What I’m Loving, Edition April 2018

It’s finally almost May, although it hasn’t really felt like spring here in Tennessee. The weather is warming up this week though and I can’t wait to be outside more! Here are some of my favorite things this month. Hummingbird farms lavender hand cream: I am a sucker for lotions and I had been hearing about this company from several people so I decided to give it a try. This…

“If The Stars Were Made to Worship…”

I sit here in the quiet, reading the latest post from an old friend whose husband has recently passed away. My heart breaks for her and for her children as they worry and grieve. Yet, in their darkest hour, they continue to praise Jesus. I wonder how I would react if I found myself in their situation. Then I hear my sweet teen playing her guitar and singing the latest…

Update On Our Adoption – April 2018

Well, it only took 17 months and a move to another state, but we have finally turned in our paperwork for our adoption! Woohoo!!! I feel like we’ve accomplished a huge milestone and I need a party to celebrate! Although in reality, we are just getting started… Here is our latest update on where we are in the adoption process. First, I will say that it has been difficult for…

Find Your Tribe

Toddlers love to exert their independence. I can vividly remember trying to buckle our youngest child in her carseat on a blustery winter day while she screamed at the top of her lungs, “No!!!! I do it!!!” In her two-year old mind, she was capable of anything. But the problem was that she couldn’t actually do it. She was literally not physically strong enough to buckle that 5-point harness all by…

A Season of Refreshment

(This post was written a year ago as our family prepared for my husband’s retirement and our final move out of state.) Winters in South Georgia are not exactly harsh. In fact, it doesn’t even feel as though we’ve experienced the winter season at all. The only evidences that winter is over and spring is arriving are the blooms of the azaleas and the new leaves budding on the trees…

What I’m Loving, Edition March 2018

It’s the end of March and the beginning of Spring. I love seeing all the trees and flowers blooming outside my window after a long winter. It’s one of my favorite seasons. And here are a few of my favorite things this month! Daring to Hope: Y’all. This book. I couldn’t put it down. You may know the author, Katie Davis, from her first book, Kisses from Katie. In that…

Am I The Betrayer?

I love the time leading up to Easter. The anticipation of the death and ultimately, the resurrection of Jesus. The foundation of our Christian heritage. This year I’ve been using Sacred Holiday’s Lent study, reading through the book of John. And I’ve been traveling with Jesus. I’ve seen Him perform miracles like healing the blind man, and I’ve watched as He cried over the death of Lazarus. I’ve listened as…