The Wisdom of Ezekiel

Ezekiel is not really one of my favorite books of the Bible. (Oops. Is it sacrilegious to say that?) But my Scripture reading for the year has taken me to the book of Ezekiel and I’m slowly trying to digest it. Much of it is over my head, if I’m being honest with you, but one truth jumped out at me during my reading and I haven’t been able to…

Reflections on Summer

As I sit here in mid-July, I find myself reflecting on these past two months. There have been many things on my summer to-do list that I haven’t yet accomplished: working on math flash cards with the littles teaching Brie to cook a few meals imposing a daily schedule of chores and activities for everyone to follow completing CEU hours for my job So many things that have been left…

The Rules Have Been in My Head the Whole Time

What rules do you have in your home? Are you a rule-follower or do you fly by the seat of your pants? Recently I was playing what I thought was a game of basketball in the driveway with Vivienne. But I’ve come to learn that even if I think I’m playing a certain game, it’s usually not what it seems. There I was, shooting baskets, when suddenly Vivienne yelled at…

What I’m Loving, Edition June 2018

Okay, okay. I do realize that it’s actually July around here but I can’t seem to get myself together this summer. We were out of town for much of June and I can’t get back into the groove just yet. Apparently I need a daily schedule to help me stay focused, and let’s face it – schedules just don’t happen in the summer. With that being said, here are my…

Update on our Adoption

Hey, friends! Today I want to give a quick update on our India Adoption. If this is the first you’ve heard about the Terrebonnes adopting a child from India,  you can read all about our decision here. Things are progressing pretty quickly. If I think about it a lot, I can get a little stressed as I try to figure out how to navigate my job, Peter’s school, and traveling…

Soaked in His Radiance

I was driving down the interstate, listening to the sound of silence. My children and I had just spent a few days at the beach with my parents who had bravely decided to whisk the kids home with them for a week of fun at Nanna’s and Pappy’s. This reprieve from the daily grind of catering to all the kids’ needs left me with a silent and thought-provoking 8 hour…

Nineteen Years Later

Tomorrow, Peter and I will celebrate 19 years of marriage. NINETEEN! That seems like a really long time but in reality, time has flown by so quickly that it’s difficult to fathom. When we started out together 19 years ago, we were young and in love and stupid and unaware of all that life would bring us. We have had our ups and downs, just like any other couple, but…

Keep Dreaming

One afternoon a few weeks ago, our seven year old son came bursting through the door from school and proclaimed, “When I grow up, I’m going to be a ghostbuster!” A ghostbuster? Hmmmm…. I love his enthusiasm, though. And for the record, this wasn’t the first time he enthusiastically stated his chosen career field. And it differs all the time. Sometimes he wants to be a janitor, sometimes an “ice…

What I’m Loving, Edition May 2018

Summer is here and I am so glad! Here are a few of my favorite things right now. Jumpsuits: I recently bought a jumpsuit very similar to this one from Loft and I LOVE it! It’s so comfortable and easy to wear – it genuinely feels like I’m wearing pjs. I was initially a little hesitant about ordering it but I got tons of compliments. So if you’re contemplating getting…

Prayer Works

I love living in a military town. The patriotism and support that our city offers to its servicemen and women is astounding. But one thing I don’t love about living in a military town is deployment season. And ‘tis the season for deployments around here. Thankfully, Peter is now retired and our family doesn’t have to go through the heartache and fear associated with having him leave to fight a…