Nineteen Years Later

Tomorrow, Peter and I will celebrate 19 years of marriage. NINETEEN! That seems like a really long time but in reality, time has flown by so quickly that it’s difficult to fathom.

When we started out together 19 years ago, we were young and in love and stupid and unaware of all that life would bring us. We have had our ups and downs, just like any other couple, but there isn’t much I wouldn’t change. I love being married to this man and I adore the little family we’ve created. The best part, though, is watching the Lord lead us and do amazing things in our lives.

But before you think that marriage is all roses and butterflies, I assure you it isn’t. So, because it is wedding season, and in honor of our 19 years together, I put together a list of 19 things that marriage is. Enjoy!

  1. Marriage is… hard work because life gets in the way and love takes a backseat. Keep fighting, though, because it’s worth it.
  2. Marriage is… keeping your mouth shut when you really really really want to have the last word. And I ALWAYS want to have the last word…
  3. Marriage is… picking up dirty socks once again.
  4. Marriage is… passing each other in the driveway as you shuttle kids from one activity to another.
  5. Marriage is… forgiving each other when you lose your temper.
  6. Marriage is… accepting each other’s faults. (You know those things you thought were so precious and cute when you got married? They eventually become faults. Accept them anyway.)
  7. Marriage is… talking through the week ahead and setting realistic expectations.
  8. Marriage is… falling asleep on the couch while attempting to watch a movie with your spouse.
  9. Marriage is… prepping the coffee for the following day so your spouse has coffee when they wake up.
  10. Marriage is… doing yet another load of laundry.
  11. Marriage is… walking away when tensions run high.
  12. Marriage is… cleaning up vomit, whether it’s from your children or from your pregnant wife.
  13. Marriage is… laughing uncontrollably over something crazy your children do.
  14. Marriage is… constantly being interrupted by the little people in your life.
  15. Marriage is… giving grace.
  16. Marriage is… making time for date nights in the midst of busy seasons.
  17. Marriage is… growing old together but still finding new ways to delight in each other.
  18. Marriage is… comfort and acceptance.
  19. Marriage is… my favorite.

I’m thankful for the 19 years Peter and I have had together. Here’s to a lifetime more!