Update on Our Adoption – July 2019

Hey, friends. I hope all of you are doing well. I seriously cannot believe it is already July. It’s been a few months since our last adoption update, so I wanted to let you know what’s been going on.

In my last post, I mentioned that we were scheduled to have our first court date on April 26. Well, that court date didn’t happen for some reason. We aren’t sure if our advocate didn’t show up or if the judge didn’t show up, but for whatever reason, there was no hearing and it was rescheduled for May 30. On that date, our case was called and initially presented to the judge. A later court date was scheduled for June 13 where all of our evidence and adoption paperwork was presented to the judge.

Then, another hearing was scheduled for June 29, where we were given verbal orders that Jillenne is ours! Woohoo! I cannot tell you the relief I felt when I woke up to that news! We now have one last court date scheduled for July 8 where I’m assuming the judge will issue written orders for us and she will “officially” be our daughter.

While waiting for all these court dates, Peter and I applied last week for Indian Visas so we will be able to enter the country when the time comes to travel. That process was stressful – it took us over 5 hours to fill out the online paperwork which then had to be sent via FedEx to the Indian Visa center in Atlanta. And now we wait to be approved.

While we wait for our visas, we are also waiting on a few more documents and then we can travel to India and pick up our daughter! After receiving written court orders, the orphanage will apply for our daughter’s birth certificate and her passport, all of which could take a couple weeks or longer.

I am having ALL THE FEELINGS as travel gets closer. I’ve been studying packing lists and I’m trying not to get overwhelmed with all the things we will need to take with us – diapers and wipes and medicines and clothing in a variety of sizes and baby nail clippers and toys to keep her entertained and lice kits (yuck!) and fruit pouches and yogurt melts and bottles and cups and formula and … Well, you get the picture.

I also wonder how she will react to us. She appears happy and healthy and curious in all the pictures and videos we have seen but will she remain that way when we take her away from everything she’s ever known? We know she will have a better life in a family as opposed to an orphanage but it will be hard and sad as she loses everything familiar to her.

Here are some ways you can help us over the next weeks and months:

  1. First of all, pray for the heart of our daughter. Pray that she will bond with us and that we will bond with her. Pray that she will be able to mourn her losses but that she will heal from that loss as well.
  2. Pray for us as we prepare to travel – that we will gather all the things we need for our trip and that we will be kept safe throughout our journey.
  3. Pray for our children who will be left at home for a couple weeks. And for my parents who will be taking care of them. Also pray for our kids as they welcome a new sister into the family.
  4. Pray for us over the next several months as we adjust to a new normal. Adoption is beautiful but it is also difficult and messy. For everyone.
  5. And if you would like to help us financially, our puzzle fundraiser is still open. We are hoping to raise enough money to cover most of our travel expenses. If you would like to “adopt” 1 or more puzzles pieces, they are $10 each and you can send money to me through PayPal. acterrebonne@yahoo.com Check out how many we’ve “sold” already!
Our completed puzzle!
Thank you for the donations so far!

We are so excited to finally be nearing the end of this very long journey! And we appreciate each and every one of you who have helped us financially, listened to me complain about the waiting, encouraged us, asked about our adoption, and prayed for us. Our community is amazing and we love you! Thank you for following us on this journey!