I Wrote A Book!

Yes, it’s true!


I wrote a book and I’m so excited to share it with all of you!

When God Proves Faithful: An Adoption Memoir is our family’s story of infertility, loss, and adoption. And although it’s our story, it is also your story. My prayer in writing this book is that you will not only be able to see God’s hand in our family, but in your family as well.

I’ve wanted to write this book for a long time. For years, actually. Yet I never took the time to sit down and write it out until recently. Because writing is hard, y’all. Who has extra hours in their day to sit behind a computer screen? Not me.

But here’s the deal – I’m not getting any younger. In fact, I recently turned 46, and I realized that time is quickly slipping by. So I decided to get busy and write our story down so our children and their children and future generations would be able to see God’s faithfulness in our family. So they would understand that when hard things happen (and they will happen), He is faithful. Even when we’re not.

Below you will find an excerpt. I hope you enjoy!


Exhaustion threatened to overtake me as I snuggled sweet Jillienne on my lap. We’d been in the air for hours, eleven to be exact, and we still had five more to go before we landed on American soil. My legs ached, pain shooting through my right hip as I tried to shift our sixteen-pound toddler into a more comfortable position without waking her.

I opened the window shade in hopes of seeing some sort of landmark but the darkness continued to fill the sky, concealing any view. I jealously looked over at my sweet husband, donning his noise-cancelling headphones and sleeping soundly. I guess twenty years of long flights and deployments while he was active duty Air Force had prepared him to sleep anytime, anywhere.

But not me. I couldn’t shut my mind off long enough to catch a few winks. Not to mention the fear of my hands slipping and our recently adopted daughter falling out of my arms onto the airplane floor. As I slowly eased my seat into a reclining position, I rubbed Jillienne’s back and thought about our journey.

The disappointments we encountered on this adventure called “life” rose to the surface as I wondered in amazement at all the Lord had done. How he had made something lovely out of devastation, beginning so many years ago in my teens and continuing throughout my adult life.

Questions arose in my mind: How did we get here? Specifically, how did Peter and I end up on a midnight flight returning from India with a fourth child? How did this desire for adoption really begin? And that’s when it hit me. For me, it began many, many years ago as a little girl growing up in small town Louisiana.


Order your copy today! And don’t forget to leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads too!

Happy reading, Friends!