What I’m Loving, Edition January 2022

Hey, friends! It’s the end of January – 2022 is in full swing. How are you doing on all those resolutions and goals so far?

We’ve had lots of snow days here in Tennessee, which means tons of quality family time lazing by the fire, playing games, reading. And breaking up fights between siblings. sigh…

Favorite Things

Here are a few of my favorite things this month: (some links are affiliate)

  1. This podcast: I listened to this podcast a few weeks ago and gained lots of insight from Canadian pastor Carey Nieuwhof. Check it out and let me know what you think!
  2. Reading! I’ve had a lot of extra time to read this month which always makes me happy. And not only that, but I’ve loved almost every single book I’ve read so far. This almost never happens. Anyway, here are two great reads: The Last Summer at the Golden Hotel is a quick read following two families who are deciding what to do with a famous hotel they’ve co-owned for decades. The characters were quirky and interesting  and if you’re looking for something light and fun, this is your book. The exact opposite of light and fun is A Woman is No Man. I can’t remember where I heard about this book, but it’s been on my list of to-be-reads for months. It follows the story of two young Palestinian women, set in past and present, as they try to reconcile their culture with their new lives in America. Some of it is very difficult to read as it deals with abuse, so consider this your trigger warning. But I always love reading about other cultures and this author has done a beautiful job of portraying a sect of the Arab community.
  3. This game: I heard about this game on the Sorta Awesome podcast so I picked it up and put it under the tree for the kids for Christmas. It’s easy enough that children as young as 6 or 7 can easily comprehend it, yet it’s challenging enough that even Peter loves to play. If you’re looking for a new family game that doesn’t take hours to play, this is a great one!
  4. This planner: Ok, I’m a planner girl and I’ve tried a ton of them. I recently found The Full Focus Planner and have really enjoyed it. The only thing I didn’t initially like about it was that it is undated. But once I got past that, I’ve found that this is definitely my new favorite. There are places at the front to journal and write down goals. Then you’re able to break down those goals into smaller steps each week to help you accomplish them. Also each daily page has a place where you can list the top 3 things you need to get done that day, an hourly breakdown for meetings and appointments, and a blank page for notes. If you’re still looking for a new planner, this may be a great option for you.
  5. Redeeming Love movie: Ok, I read the book Redeeming Love at least 15 years ago. Probably more, now that I’m thinking about it because I think we were living in North Dakota at the time. Anyway, I really enjoyed the book so when I heard there would be a movie, I was all in. A group of friends and I went to see it and it was such a beautiful portrayal of the Father’s love. There were a few racy scenes so I would be careful at what age you let your daughters watch it, but our group of friends really loved it! If you watch it, let me know what you think!

That’s it for January. Let me know if you try one of my favorites, and as always, let me know some of your favorite things this month!