When Fear is Our Motivator

I recently read this quote in The Girl Behind the Red Rope, a novel by Ted Dekker and his daughter Rachelle Dekker. This isn’t a book review, but in order to understand the quote, you need a little background.

The characters in this story have secluded themselves in a tiny community surrounded by a red rope which they aren’t allowed cross. The purpose of the red rope is to keep the people safe from the outside world, the “Fury” that is coming for them. So the community live careful lives, not straying from paths, not getting dirty, following all the rules in order to stay safe.

They are a people full of fear.

Until the end, when one girl realizes that with every fear they have, more fear is drawn to them. So  actually, they have nothing to fear but fear itself.

This book was published in 2019. Before the pandemic. Before heightened racial tensions. Before fears of China taking over the world.

Yet it is so timely.

I see many of my peers afraid to leave their houses. Keeping their families sequestered in their homes in fear of a disease that, I’m sorry to say, we are all going to have to learn to live with.

I see people fearful of stepping into a new job or new relationship – the fear of the unknown keeping them in a position that’s comfortable yet unhealthy.

I see people fearful of our government, wondering what our world will look like when their children are grown.

There is so much fear in our world today.

And I’m not immune.

I want to keep my children safe.

I want our world to be a better place for every person.

But I don’t want to live in fear.

Just as fear draws more fear, so does love.

If you are a follower of Jesus, we are called to live in love, not fear.

1 John 4:18 says that “Perfect love casts out fear.”

That’s what Jesus did for us on the cross. He cast out fear, overcoming it with love.

So, ask yourselves these questions today. Truly take the time to answer.

  • What are some things you are afraid of?
  • Are you living in fear or are you living in love?

Don’t live in fear, my friends. That’s not what Jesus wants. He wants abundant life for you.

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