What I’m Loving, Edition May 2022


Never have I been so happy to see summer! This school year has been hard with lots of unexpected changes so I’m definitely looking forward to a few weeks of low-key time at home with family. Here are some of my recent favorite things. What have you been loving this month?

  1. These slides from Target: I bought these on a whim one afternoon after listening to Melanie rave about them on the Big Boo Cast. They are stylish and very comfortable, and I’m planning to wear them soon on a date with Peter. For the record, I bought them in tan.
  2. CelluAid Cream: Let’s be real – I don’t know if this cream is working or not, but I will pretty much rub anything on the backs of my legs at this point if it claims to get rid of cellulite. And yes I know I also need to exercise – I’m working on it.
  3. These lace-up sneakers: Another great find from Target, I’d been looking for some white tennis shoes and these popped up. I love the little bit of animal print as well as the shiny silver laces. Every time I wear them, I get lots of compliments. If you’re looking for a new pair of tennis shoes for the summer, these might fit the bill.
  4. Another pair of white sneakers: Here’s a second white sneaker option for you right. Sometimes I just want some plain white sneakers to wear with shorts or a sundress or jeans and these are my new fave! The brand is Keds, which brings back lots of memories from high school. (I think I might be showing my age with that last statement…)
  5. This jumpsuit for girls: I bought this for Vivienne for Easter and she loves it. It’s super comfortable and casual yet you can dress it up as needed. If you have a girl in your life, treat her with this stylish outfit!

What are your favorite things from this month? I’d love to hear from you!

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