Favorite Books and a Giveaway

Hey, friends! Guess what? It’s time for my favorite post of the year! Although my reading has significantly decreased this year (I only read 41 books compared to 55 last year), I’ve compiled a list of all the best books I’ve read in 2018. Leave a comment with which one you would like to read and you will be entered in a drawing to receive that book! Fiction Water from…

When My Fuse is Short

Lately, life has been busy. It feels as though our family sees each other in passing as Brienne goes to Physical Therapy, Jonah goes to swim team, and Vivienne goes to cheer practice. And the busier life gets, the more stressed I become. My working full time affords us a lot of amenities, but other things seem to slip through the cracks. Laundry piles up and crumbs gather on the…

What I’m Loving, Edition November 2018

Well, Thanksgiving is over and Christmas is right around the corner. My shopping is almost finished, which is a good thing since I’m running out of days. And money. Ha! I’ve come across lots of things I love this month but I don’t want to post too many as some of them are Christmas gifts for actual people in my life. So here are a few things I’m loving this…

When Change Is a Good Thing

I seriously hate letting people down. Because of my tendency towards people-pleasing, disappointing others is one of the worst things I can do. But that’s exactly what happened yesterday. I was scheduled to be part of the worship team at our former worship leader’s new church. He had been asking me for weeks (well, actually, months) to come serve alongside him but the timing was never right because I felt…

Update on Our Adoption – November 2018

Hey, everyone! Since November is Adoption Month and many people have been asking about our India adoption, I decided to give everyone a quick update. It’s actually been almost six months since my last update but not much has changed. I had mentioned in my previous adoption post that we had recently been approved by CARA (the Indian centralized adoption organization) and we were waiting on pre-approval from immigration. Well,…

A Firm Foundation

For those of you who don’t know, we are in the process of building a house here in Clarksville and it’s been an exciting (and sometimes stressful) process. It’s been really neat to watch each step, though, especially since I haven’t had to make many decisions yet. (I hate making decisions so the next few months are going to be really difficult for me as we pick out floors and…

What I’m Loving, Edition October 2019

Fall is finally here in Tennessee, which means cooler weather and beautiful scenery. Soon we will be celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas, but for now I am loving the colorful leaves and a few other things: Everything pumpkin: Of course, this is the #1 thing I’m loving right now. From pumpkin spice creamer to pumpkin spice muffins, I can’t get enough pumpkin in my life! (You need those muffins in your…

When Your Whys Aren’t Answered

Some little guy around here is turning eight this week. (EIGHT! How is that even possible?) I remember the sequence of events leading to Jonah’s birth so clearly. That middle of the night email telling me his birthmother was in labor.  The nine-hour drive to Louisiana with Brienne in the backseat. Standing in line at McDonald’s somewhere in Alabama, receiving a phone call telling me our sweet boy had been born.…

Everyday Minutia

The beginning of the school year, or the beginning of anything really, can be hectic. Learning new routines and expectations, the busyness of being the Uber driver of the family for all the kids’ activities, it can be a lot.  Just this week, I was shuttling Brienne to swim team practice and the little kids were in the backseat of the van. I was thinking of all the things I…

Birthday Reflections

Yesterday was my 43rd birthday. I celebrated with my little family and enjoyed a relaxing day. Sometimes I look at my life and think, “How is it that I am 43 years old and can’t seem to get it together?” As a child and young adult, I always thought the older women in my life had it all together. Maybe some of them did. But I’m learning that “having it…