How to Be Captivated by Christ

Lately our family has been discouraged. We’ve been waiting on some decisions and it feels as if change isn’t occurring quickly enough. We’ve had this same discussion in our friend group as we all wait for new direction and vision.

Waiting on change is hard. On one hand, we want to step up and take charge. On the other, we don’t even know where begin. Or if it’s even our place to step in and lead.

When you find yourself in the middle of a hard situation, it’s easy to begin looking at others, blaming them for what is happening.

It’s much more difficult to look inward and see how you might be contributing to the situation.

Recently I was reading in Colossians and came across the following verse:

See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.” Colossians 2:8 NIV

Out in the margin beside this verse I had written:

Be captivated by Christ, not by the things of this world.

But how?

As I meditated on this concept of being captivated by Christ, I prayed, asking for wisdom and guidance. The Lord revealed 4 things we can do:

  1. Set your mind on things above (Col 3:2): So often, we are focused on the things of this earth. We care more about our own wants and needs than we do about eternal things. But when we choose to focus on spiritual truths, our eyes are opened to God’s will.
  2. Trust that God has a good plan: This goes along with #1. God’s very nature is goodness. And because of that, He has a good plan. It may not be the plan I want, and it may not be the timing I want. But if I claim to have faith in Jesus, I need to trust that His plan is better than anything I could come up with on my own.
  3. Read and meditate on God’s Word daily: Recently I went through a period of about two weeks where I was very sick. I could barely get out of the bed, and when I did manage to get up, I was unable to read or do much of anything. During that two-week period, I did not read God’s Word one time. And I could tell. It’s important, as a Christ-follower, that we find some way to get in God’s Word on a daily basis. Allow His Word to penetrate your soul and remind you of His Truth.
  4. Pray: It’s easy to neglect your prayer life, isn’t it? Or at least it is for me. I can go for weeks or even months, interceding for friends, family, our church. Then I miss a couple days and I can’t seem to get back on track. But God wants to communicate with us constantly. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to “pray continually,” and Psalm 17:6 assures us that when we call on God, He will turn His ear to us and answer us.

These are just a few ways we can be “captivated by Christ” on a daily basis. And more than anything, that’s what I want – for Jesus to be the focus of my heart every day.

So in this period of waiting, I will trust that my God is good and kind. I will pray continually as I wait expectantly for Him to do a new thing.