Does Jesus Get Lost in Your Shadow?

I’ve recently been listening to the Mars Hill Podcast – in fact, I just finished it. Anybody else find it as fascinating as I did?

It was interesting for a variety of reasons, and several things caught my attention. For instance, I wonder how people could religiously attend that church and not see some of the horrible practices and false teachings that were occurring. (And before I get a lot of hate messages, I’m aware that we all look the other way on a variety of topics. I never said I wasn’t hypocritical in some of my thinking.)

Another thing that jumped out at me while listening to this podcast was when one of the interviewees made a statement which effectively said Jesus was getting lost in Mark Driscoll’s shadow. (Mark Driscoll was the lead pastor of Mars Hill.)

When I heard that statement, I immediately paused the episode. Because, hello? Jesus most likely gets lost in my shadow every single day.

When I erupt in anger over something my kids do, Jesus gets lost in my shadow.

When I take credit for something only He could do, Jesus gets lost in my shadow.

When I miss an opportunity to tell someone about God’s love, Jesus gets lost in my shadow.

When I want to be right no matter the cost, Jesus gets lost in my shadow.

When I want to be the center of attention, Jesus gets lost in my shadow.

It’s not a fun thing to think about – this overshadowing of Jesus. Because I don’t want Jesus to be in my shadow. I want to be in His.

So today I will sit with Jesus in the shadow of His cross, repenting of the many times I’ve made a situation all about me. And I’ll ask for help to put Him first more often so others can see Him instead of seeing me.

Father, even now, hide me behind your cross. May my actions never overshadow Your love and presence. Amen.