Hindsight is 2020

When 2020 began, we were all looking forward to a new year of fresh starts. I feel fairly confident saying that none of us had any idea what 2020 would actually hold.

As I prepared for this post, I went back to January to look at the word I felt God had given me for 2020. My word was cultivate.

I had all these plans for how I was going to cultivate things in my life.

I, I, I…

I don’t think I left any room for how God would work or move. But here is a little excerpt from my 2020 post.

“As I thought about cultivating all these things, I was drawn to this verse:

‘The desolate land will be cultivated instead of being a desolation in the sight of everyone who passes by.’ Ezekiel 36:34 (NASB)

I don’t want 2020 to be a wasteland of missed opportunites and unmet dreams. I want to dream big and follow where the Lord leads so that others around me will see God’s power. I want Him to rebuild the “ruined places” and plant me where He chooses.”


Like most of you, 2020 has been a mixture of both good and difficult things. Just the fact that we have no idea when this virus is going to be over causes all sorts of anxieties and fear in my life. I don’t always feel stressed but I know it’s there, creeping in at the most inopportune times. I hold that fear and anxiety in my shoulders, causing tension and headaches that just won’t go away. I know many of you can relate.

And yet I’m reminded of something each night when I put Jillienne to bed.  She makes lots of song requests as I sing lullabies to her but one that she always asks for is “God, You’re So Good.”

God, You’re so good

God, You’re so good

God, You’re so good

You’re so good to me

When I sing that short chorus to her at night, no matter what craziness has gone down at our house that day, no matter how many fights I’ve broken up or how frustrated I have been with my children or my job, I am reminded that indeed, God has been very good to me. As I sing and look into Jillienne’s sweet little face, how could I not see all the blessings He has bestowed on our family?

Sure, I could tell you all the horrible and hard things that happened in 2020. We all have that list ready to go at the forefront of our minds. But, instead, today I want to list a few good things that happened in 2020.

  • Extended time at home allowed our family to bond with each other and with Jillienne in ways we couldn’t have if life had remained “normal”
  • Vivienne accepted Christ as her Savior and was baptized
  • Peter started his dream Physical Therapy job in his old unit at Ft. Campbell
  • Jillienne started daycare in July and absolutely loves it
  • Brienne was accepted to her top 2 colleges, among others
  • Brienne recorded her first original song
  • Peter and I have had lots of good TV watching time in the evenings
  • I had time to read and pray through the entire Bible and was reminded that I am a daughter of the Most High King
  • I was able to share our family’s adoption journeys on this podcast
  • Vivienne and Jonah played soccer and Peter was able to coach both of their teams
  • Vivienne continued taking piano lessons and excelled in her recital this fall


Although I know we are all ready for COVID-19 to be out of our lives, I don’t want to go back to the “normal” life of hustle and bustle and rushing in and out the door. I love this slowed-down time and I want to cherish it. Not take it for granted.

So as I look toward 2021, I pray the Lord would lead us, that we would willingly follow Him into whatever He has in store, and that we would ever be reminded of His goodness.