This is Autism

Most of you know that our son was diagnosed with autism when he was 3 years old. He is now 8, and although he has made amazing progress, there are times when we still struggle with behaviors and issues that most families with typically developing children do not struggle with. I recently took him to his pediatrician to talk about ADHD with her and frankly, she was quite amazed at…

Update on Our Adoption – July 2019

Hey, friends. I hope all of you are doing well. I seriously cannot believe it is already July. It’s been a few months since our last adoption update, so I wanted to let you know what’s been going on. In my last post, I mentioned that we were scheduled to have our first court date on April 26. Well, that court date didn’t happen for some reason. We aren’t sure…

What I’m Loving, Edition June 2019

Y’all. I have been off the grid for over a month. What in the world? Summer is halfway over and we have been busy and life is crazy. So writing has taken a backseat to everything else. Sometimes seasons are like that, aren’t they? We have to let some good things go in order to take care of other things. But honestly, I’ve needed to write and process all the…

What I’m Loving, Edition April 2019

Hey, friends! It’s the end of April already – how has that happened? I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter holiday. Ours was relaxed and that’s just the way I like it. Here are a few things I’ve been loving this month! The Highwaymen: This movie on Netflix about Bonnie and Clyde was fascinating to me. Peter and I watched it a couple weeks ago and I learned so much…

Update on Our Adoption – April 2019

I posted an update on our adoption at the beginning of March where we asked everyone to pray for us that we would receive NOC (No Objection Certificate) from the Indian adoption registry (CARA). For those of you who missed the post, NOC is a certificate issued by India stating that we are approved to adopt a specific child. It was a scary process of waiting on that approval but…

Thank You for the Cross

Today, as I write, Holy Week begins around the world. In many faith traditions, this is a sacred time of celebration and reflection. A time to slow down, remembering the sacrifice of Jesus 2000 years ago. During this week we meditate on the triumphal entrance of Jesus, The last supper, The betrayal, The cross, and ultimately, The resurrection of our Lord. But I wonder sometimes if we can truly fathom…

When God Does Something Unexpected

“Wait.” I really don’t like that word… It seems as though we are always in some sort of season of waiting. Is it the same for you? Maybe you’re waiting to graduate from college. Or waiting to get married. Or awaiting the arrival of your first child. Maybe you’re waiting to get pregnant or waiting on a loved one who doesn’t have much longer on this earth. Some seasons of…

What I’m Loving, Edition March 2019 (even though it’s April…)

Hey, everybody! It’s been a while since you’ve heard from me. So sorry about that! We’ve had lots of balls in the air over here and I had to let something drop so the blog was the one that I let go of for a couple weeks. Hopefully that won’t happen again. Here are a few of my favorite things from the past month: Roasted asparagus: I made this a…

I Will Ever Praise You

It had been a rough day at our house. Work was stressful and I left work later than normal, then I had errands to run so we didn’t get home until almost 5:00. Supper still needed to be cooked and Brienne needed to be back at school for a meeting at 6:00. The little kids had several pages of homework plus they each had school projects to complete. Laundry was…

Update on our Adoption

A lot has been happening lately with our adoption so I thought I would update everyone on our exciting news! On December 26, while at a family Christmas gathering, we received an email from our adoption agency stating that they had reserved a file on a child and wanted to discuss the file with us. We immediately called our contact at Children of the World and talked through the needs…