Happy Quarantined Mother’s Day!

Mother’s Day is quickly approaching and I’ve seen so many hilarious memes geared towards dads. This one is my favorite.

It cracks me up every time I read it.

If you’re anything like me, one day you’re enjoying being quarantined at home, loving all the quality time you’re sharing with your family. Then the next, you’re ready to claw your eyes out because you can’t leave your house and get away from all the people in it. So helping your kiddos make a crappy Mother’s Day gift for yourself is pretty far down on the list. (Oh, wait – is that just me?)

I love my kids yet I’m not really in the mood to write some sappy Mother’s Day post this year. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It’s just that this year is turning out to be pretty weird, and frankly I’m finding my moods fluctuating much like my weight and hair color these days. But that’s another post for another day. Gah.

Anyhoo, here’s what I think. It’s Mother’s Day – so we should celebrate all of our amazing accomplishments!

Here are some things that have made us awesome in 2020:

  • For 8 SOLID WEEKS of quarantine, we’ve been feeding our little monsters three meals a day. Granted, sometimes it has been yogurt and a cheese stick, but still… Our kids are alive so let’s call that a win.
  • We’re rocking this home education thing, and we’ve even actually enjoyed some elements of it. (Also, we’ve hated some elements of it too.)
  • We haven’t actually run away from home, even though we might have threatened to. On multiple occasions.
  • Also, we haven’t slapped our kids in the face when they’ve rolled their eyes at us for the bazillionth time. (Oh, wait – is that just me again?)
  • We’ve put up with bickering and sibling rivalry and we’ve tried really hard not to yell at our kids to SHUT THE HECK UP.
  • We’ve navigated ALL THE ZOOM MEETINGS for our kids’ classes, church activities, and other social engagements. And we only muttered a couple bad words under our breath when THE STUPID COMPUTER wouldn’t work correctly.
  • But most importantly, we’ve snuggled and had movie nights and brought a sense of peace to our children during this scary and strange time.

2020 has definitely been one for the books. What else has made you awesome this year? Leave me a comment and let me know.

“Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her.”  Prov 31:28       (#momgoals)


Happy Quarantined Mother’s Day!